love it.
it's already stuck in my head sonn >:(
but that's a good thing.
5\5 10\10
love it.
it's already stuck in my head sonn >:(
but that's a good thing.
5\5 10\10
thats hawt
very catchy indeed
i could so dance to this
you get my vote sonn
5\5 10\10
gj holmes
overall that was purty sexy, but i need to hook you up with VEC1 or VEC2 because you need some better drum samples.
i don't know what else to say except keep practicing, haha.
i just jizzed..
in my pants.
I think you should get that checked.
hello [=
all I have to say is this is godly for a first song. My first song sounded like a cow getting raped. A lot.
With a bit of practice and getting used to FL Studio, I'm sure that you will be producing totally sex-tastic (that is my new word) songs.
You can find a few good tutorials on YouTube, but there aren't that many. I think I can find some, if you want, just ask me sometime on MSN.
Practice makes perfect, remember that.
It's true!
[[5\5 & 10\10]]
aww.. poor cow.
thanks Evan!
I hope you're right, man. :P
I'm excited to do moar!
and thanks for review, and watchh. I'll be sure to make sex-tastic songs with you as well. xD WEWT !
You did this with writer's block?
This is better then I could do if i was fully inspired. My writer's block music sounds like a cow getting it up the.... yeah you get what I mean, sounds terrible.
I can't say if I like this better then the original or not.
Both are pretty awesome.
Ah well,
Keep it up!
- Xaltz
The shishkebab owns. Case closed.
So does this song. Well, all of your songs do.
I love the drum beat as it is just pure awesomeness.
This review probably makes no sense at all.
Oh well, you get my point I hope.
Keep making music or I will bomb your house. (No not really, just keep making music.)
- Xaltz
hehe. But if you bomb my house you'll lose karma :P
Sounds so much like something they would put in Mirror's Edge.
(By the way, that game is the fucking bomb.)
Love the guitar, piano in the beginning and the drums.
Love the song.
Another great song by NemesisTheory.
- Xaltz
Yes that game rocks! :D
I'm glad you love the entire thing basically XD
Thanks for the review!
Nice melody.
I haven't heard the original, but your version is great.
I really didn't even notice it was repetitive because I enjoyed the melody so much. So that really doesn't matter to me.
I love the build-ups that you put into the song, they are nice and clean and work out great in the end.
Please, do Newgrounds a favor and.. MAKE MORE MUSIC! xD
- Xaltz
Are you sure..
that this is your first 8-bit song?
It's way too good. Very catchy, indeed.
I've been listening to this for at least an hour straight. Reminds me of the good old days with the NES.
- Xaltz
Joined on 8/8/08